Students @

We need more women in STEM to help create a future world that works for everyone. Congratulations on choosing to pursue a career in these exciting field of STEM.

The Asia Foundation along with our Industry partners are here to support you in your journey and we want you to make the most out of your membership of our STEM ConnectHER community.

Get started by exploring the program activities and start connecting today!

Gain bite-sized tips on navigating the STEM field as a woman. Check out our one-minute video series.


As an active community member you will be awarded with digital badges as you meet program milestones and a certificate at the end of the program.

A certificate will be awarded to community members that achieve:

Attendance at a minimum of 8 live webinar sessions

Participate in at least 2 Mentoring sessions

Complete one course from the learning resources library

Contribute to the community discussion boards and link to your peers across the region