Resources for Mentees

Welcome to the NHRD Connect Mentoring Program!

This program is designed to provide support and empowerment to HR professionals through mentoring.

This guide is meant to share some pointers on how you can make the most out of this mentoring program, but the following content are suggestions; you can feel free to structure the mentorship in a way that works for you. You have the flexibility to reach out to any mentors you would like to learn from, and arrange as many sessions with them as you would like.

As a mentee, you are encouraged to reach out to mentors whom:
- You’re interested to learn from;
- You’re curious about their career path; or
- You’d like to connect with

First Meeting: Introduction

It’s good to get to know each other during the first meeting. Share with your mentor :
- What your background is;
- Where do you come from; and
- What do you hope to learn from them

Optional: you can also share your CV with your mentor.

You are encouraged to share your goals on what you would like to work on with your mentor in the first meeting. You can use the worksheet template (in page 3) to list the goals you would like to work on with your mentor.

We recommend meeting the same mentor for at least four (4) sessions to work on at least one goal so you will be able to track your progress in achieving your goal(s). Feel free to arrange more than 4 sessions with the same mentor. You can also reach out to any other mentor at any time.

To note: mentorship, like any other relationship, requires some degree of compatibility. If you don’t resonate with one mentor, you can always try another.


As a mentee, define what goals you would like to work on during your mentoring sessions. Make sure the goals are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound.


Specify what you would like to achieve and how you would like to do it.


Establish criteria for how a goal is to be achieved. Describe how you can determine whether you successfully achieved this goal?


Is this goal realistic? Can it be achieved in the intended time frame? Have you considered your current resources such as time and energy?


What makes this goal important to you? What positive difference would you experience if this goal is fulfilled?


When do you want to achieve this goal? In 2 months or 1 year? Choose a timeline that works for you, considering the resources and constraints relative to the situation.

Example of SMART goal: I want to reach out to 5 recruiters a week.
These goals can be personal or professional.


In addition to goals, you can also work on improving your skills with your mentor. Enhancing your skills is crucial to advancing your career and building a meaningful life.

You can use the worksheet template (download below) to choose some skills or list the skills you would like to work on with your mentor.

Mentoring session worksheet

Make your sessions more effective by using this worksheet

Download the worksheet

Supplementary topics

These are suggested additional topics that can be discussed between mentors and mentees. These are optional and can be used as needed. Both activity and discussion points are for the mentors and mentees to do.

Building Confidence


Watch this video : “How to build your confidence - and spark it in others”

Discussion Points

  • When did you feel the most confident?
  • When did you feel the least confident?
  • What limiting beliefs do you have?
  • How did you overcome these limiting beliefs?
  • How do you build confidence?

Balancing Work and Personal Life


Watch this video : “3 rules for better work-life balance”

Discussion Points

  • How do you manage your work and personal life?
  • How do you set boundaries at work?
  • What challenges do you face in balancing work and personal life?
  • Do you struggle asking for help at work or in your personal life?
  • How can organizations help employees balance work and personal life?



Watch this video : “Servant leadership : How to lead with the heart ? ”

Discussion Points

  • What traits exist in a leader?
  • Is there a role model that you look up to? Who are they? What traits do you admire about them?
  • How do I become a leader at work?
  • What are examples of bad leadership?
  • What kind of leader do you strive to be?