Cross cultural management: Working across cultures and time zones with Darren Scott

Do you work with a distributed team and find working across cultures and time zones tricky? STEMConnectHer is bringing you an opportunity to learn about the best practices from the best!

Welcome to the STEM ConnectHER Mentorship Week! We're excited that you're interested in joining us for the session ‘Cross cultural management : working across cultures and time zones’ with Darren Scott on March 28,2023 from 10:00-10:40am MYT.

Darren Scott is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Experience Exchange. TEX is a global software start-up that connects individuals to share their knowledge, while helping organisations such as TAF, power and connect communities against a common goal. Before starting on his entrepreneurial journey with TEX, Darren had a rich corporate career, building services businesses and managing global teams for organisations such as Cisco and Adobe. As such, Darren has built strong cross-cultural management and business experience, living in cities such as San Francisco, Sydney, Bangalore and Singapore. Darren will be one of our featured mentors in Mentor week, answering your questions and sharing his lessons learned both in his corporate life and start-up journey.

In this session, you can expect to learn how to manage different time zones, and cultural differences. What are the best practices, and the best way to work with a global team.

The talk will be followed by a 20-minutes closed group mentoring session from 10:40-11:00 am MYT with Darren Scott, wherein you will get an opportunity to have an open conversation with the mentor, get an insight on your personal professional journey, and have all your questions answered directly from the expert.

Indicate your interest in joining this special 20 minutes mentoring session below. Slots are limited so sign up now!

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