How it works

It all starts with what you know

Benchmark your skills by selecting and rating each one. We’ll help you decide what you could share with others, where to improve and which skills to conquer next.

The TEX Skills Matrix allows you to search by Job title, Skill, and by skills category, then you can identify your skills, rate your competency, and easily select related skills you may wish to add to your learning group.

Book a session or join a program

Find the right experts, mentors and peers for you - and set your own availability. Want to connect with specific groups or organisations? Join a ready-made program.

Earn rewards, gain recognition, get paid or pay it forward

Earn points as you learn, and exchange them for access to TEX events and other rewards. Be recognised for your impact and accomplishments in your field of expertise

Connect one-on-one and grow your network

Gain experience and hone your skills as you work. Tackle your latest challenge, prepare for the future and share your experience with those who need it.

Which program will you join?

Here is a sample of just some of the many programs available to TEX users. Search and find the programs that suit you and join...

Stay connected with your alma mater

Get real-world insight into your future

If you’re just starting out in your career, connect with alumni who have walked your path previously.


Help those early in their career

If you have experience to share, lend a hand to those coming up behind you.


Reconnect with your college or university

Share expertise with students, academic staff and peers and give back to your learning institution. up behind you.

Support for women starting STEM leadership roles

Support gender equality

Women in STEM are under-represented at senior levels. Provide your practical knowledge to address this inequality.


Access a worldwide network of people

Reach across organisational borders to find the right coach who has walked in your shoes.


Support women early in their career journey

Provide mentorship, coaching and expertise to support women in their professional development.

Helping non-profits innovate with enhanced skills

Connect with non-profits and drive your social impact

Share your digital transformation expertise - from technical  knowledge to leadership skills and managing change.


Build capability and bring more tasks in-house

As a non-profit, outsourcing is a cost you could do without. Train up your teams with live, on-the-job support.


Redefine your corporate partnerships

Build a different relationship with your partners, exchanging expertise rather than just dollars.

Navigate today’s challenges with the latest digital thinking

Find an expert, coach, mentor or peer

Access a worldwide network of people to bounce ideas off, learn from and guide your self improvement.


Share your own experiences

It’s lonely at the top. Reach out to fellow leaders to offer your expertise and support.


Make ‘digital disruption’ work for you

The digital future is here. Make sure you have the right insights, skills and connections to thrive.

The re-skilling imperative

TEX at a glance

Skills recommendation engine

Using the live job market, we’ll suggest the skills you need now and in the future.

Live video

Connect with mentors, coaches, experts and peers one-on-one to share expertise

Build your brand

Get recognised for your expertise and contributions inside and outside of your organisation.

Drive revenue and opportunities

Monetise your expertise - at an individual or company level via a flexible commercial model

Pro-bono programs

Share your expertise to support issues you’re passionate about and measure your impact.

Skills matrix

An ever-changing, granular view of your skills and what your industry needs over time.

Connect your people with the world    

Give your employees direct access to industry leaders, non-profits, customers and colleagues. Constantly advance their skills and play your part in closing the global skills gap
  • Get visibility of skills and gaps, business wide
  • Share experience between your teams
  • Reach customers, partners, non-profits and new talent

TEX – A unified platform for person to person experiential learning

Grow your business


Get full visibility of skills - and gaps, business wide

Identify and track expertise at a personal, team and business level.


Share experience between your teams

Harness your existing expertise by connecting colleagues worldwide.


Reach customers, partners, non-profits & new talent

Create programs to work one-on-one with customers, brands, students and more.

TEX and your industry

Share and expand your expertise and brand

Harness existing talent with internal connections

Connect employees one-on-one, across geographies and hierarchies, to share skills on the job.


Manage and track your social impact

Give back to society, at scale, with pro-bono sessions and targeted programs to reach those that need you the most.


Work with your partners. Support your customers.

Stay ahead of the curve - and the competition - by working alongside world-leading brands and your customers..

Industry partnerships and life-long learning

Keep everyone connected - beyond graduation

Give your students, staff and alumni one place to share experiences, advise, mentor and support each other.


Offer unparalleled links to industry

Students and staff can access the latest thinking direct from their industry, with industry-supported programs.


Real-world insights. Life-long learning.

Get insights into your students past and present, the skills they have and those they need. Wherever their life takes them.

Develop skills as quickly as your technology

Accelerate customer adoption and success​

Upskill your customers and strengthen client relationships with ‘advisory on-demand’ sessions - for a fee, or for free.


Develop a deeper understanding of customer needs

Help your customers work through challenges in real-time and use these insights to inform future development.


Super-charge your current and future talent

Connect globally based employees to exchange expertise and link up with universities to shape the next generation.

Valuable relationships - at scale

Engage with hundreds of businesses

Promote your cause to a worldwide audience and access support, expertise and investment - all in one place.


Do what you do - even better

Connect your employees one-on-one, with industry experts, peers and mentors to develop critical skills.


Extend your reach. Broaden your services.

Work alongside the people you serve - wherever they are in the world - with live virtual sessions.

How to get started




Tell us about your organisation, such as your areas of focus and goals.



Create programs

Set up commercial or pro bono programs and send invites.



Start connecting

Your team create their profiles and start booking sessions

Analysis of your learning journey and contribution   

Gain real-time insights into how your teams are progressing in their learning and skills development.  

Measure your value in kind contributions or revenue impact as you monetise your expertise to your customers and partners

Activate your purpose. Engage your people

Channel your expertise to the people that need you most with pro-bono programs. Your employees can join one of ours or you can create your own.

A complete toolkit for professional mentors, coaches and advisors

Meet your clients and find new ones. Plan and visualise your clients’ development. Access the latest data on global skill demand. And manage your diary. All in one place

Build a map of each client’s experience

Understand your clients on a deeper level and structure your work together by creating a comprehensive map of their skills and goals.

Then plan what to tackle next using insights from our intelligent data on global skill demand.

Bookings, scheduling and video calls

Simplify your life by taking bookings, making secure video calls and organising your time in one system.

You can take notes, share documents and even ask for feedback and ratings after the call. Which feeds into your session data.

Identify in-demand and emerging skills

Drive your clients in the right direction by pinpointing the most in-demand skills in any role and industry.

TEX is powered by the world’s largest skills database, which tracks job adverts worldwide. So you’ll be the first to know when demands change and new skills and trends emerge.

Generate reports for clients and your business

Find new clients and grow your business

Bring your existing clients onto TEX but also browse prospective clients - and let them browse you. Make connections at large organisations, small businesses, the non-profit sector, freelancers and B2C clients.

Talk to TEX

Let us show you how TEX can work for you and your organisation
  • Public and Private Customised programs
  • Customised on-boarding and support
  • Fully managed or Self managed options